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Internationale Freiwillige

Die Kindergruppe Amerlinghaus wird jedes Jahr von einer oder einem internationalen Freiwilligen unterstützt und bereichert. Wir kooperieren dazu im Rahmen eines EU-geförderten Programms mit dem Verein Grenzenlos. Hier stellen wir unsere aktuelle Freiwillige Zhala aus Aserbaidschan vor.

Zhala Azimova was born in 2002 and studied law. She has been studying the Chinese language for six years and she speaks five languages. She was working as an intern at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Azerbaijan. After deciding to take a gap year she was looking into new experiences. She decided to challenge herself in the childcare field because she had a great interest in working with kids. After looking for new experiences, she discovered Kindergruppe Amerling Haus and was so fascinated by the project itself that she wanted to try herself in the field of voluntary work while living abroad. Zhala is currently a volunteer in our Kindergruppe and will spend ten months with the Amerling Haus family.

„I always enjoy challenging myself and learning through experiences. While searching for the new journey I found Kindegruppe Amerling Haus impressive, as it had a different structure than what I used to see in my country, and I feel mesmerized by the idea of a project led by parents since I think the parents must be included in the process of childcare. After starting my voluntary work, I was able to see how lovely and welcoming the atmosphere of the project was. Although living abroad with a language barrier would be challenging, being in a surrounding filled with love and care and colors, I can say it is worth trying and becoming part of the ‚Kids Wonderland‘. I’m very excited about this experience and being part of this amazing pedagogical team.“


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